Global Cities Virtual Workshop: Dialogue for Global Understanding
Fostering Respectful Conversations in the Classroom

Join Global Cities' new educator workshop on February 26 or 27, 2025! Our unique experiences, knowledge, and values shape how we perceive the world. To address global issues inclusively and effectively, we must be able to discuss and respond to these diverse perspectives. Engaging in meaningful peer-to-peer conversation prepares students to consider a range of perspectives on the global issues that affect us all.
Global Cities Structured Dialogue Workshop
The Dialogue for Global Understanding workshop introduces the structured dialogue - a hallmark Global Scholars activity educators can use in their own classrooms to facilitate respectful student conversation. You'll explore how this activity develops communication skills students need to discuss complex topics respectfully, and learn how to assess students' communication skills using Global Cities' Codebook for Global Student Learning OutcomesYou'll leave with digital materials and a plan to customize the lesson for your own subjects and students.
Times listed are in Eastern Time; you can access a time-zone calculator here.
Please complete this registration information.

"K-12" refers to the primary and secondary levels, ages 5-18.

Meet Global Cities

Global Cities, Inc., a program of Bloomberg Philanthropies, has extensive experience using technology to forge connections among students and educators that promote global competency learning. Our signature program, Global Scholars, has connected more than 105,000 students ages 10-13 worldwide since 2013. We have also gathered empirical evidence that these connections develop the skills that students need to be successful in today's globalized world. Learn more about our research here and our workshops here.